
Fibromyalgia is considered to be untreatable by many Doctors.  Patients with Fibromyalgia usually live with multiple symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, physical pain, anxiety, and depression.  After being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, patients are expected to live with emotional and physical discomfort for the rest of their life. Many are content to become the victims of conventional labeling and accept living with the idea that there is no cure for their condition.

Based on my clinical observation, Fibromyalgia is highly associated with psychological pain due to a feeling of “victim-consciousness” that may have evolved from early childhood abuse (sexually, emotionally, and/or physically), or a successive occurrence of emotional traumas, possibly occurring during their adult life. These things can lead to a sense of loss of purpose, social identity, and a sense of belonging to a community, which then may lead to an onset of intense psychological stress or PTSD.

Female patients I have encountered with Fibromyalgia may have suffered from one of the following traumatic events such as divorce after many years of marriage, experiencing a sudden loss of a loved one, a dramatic change in social status, a history of sexual, emotional, and/or physical abuse in early childhood.  In my observation these are common conditions that are precursors to the onset of my Fibromyalgia patents. These patterns lead me to believe that Fibromyalgia is an expression of psychological pain due to residual emotional trauma.

Thus, I find it more effective to treat Fibromyalgia at the psychological level rather than conventionally, which is a physically based approached. When I approached treating Fibromyalgia patients at the emotional, psychological and physical level, simultaneously, I found that the results were more drastic and sustainable in terms of their healing process.

I typically perform massage therapy and Acupuncture to address issues at the physical and emotional level. While using nutrition and herbal medicine to address and rebuild a patient’s constitution while employing Buddhist counselling to address their psychological pain.

There is hope for those that have Fibromyalgia. Please, seek professional alternative therapy, if you don’t find success in conventional treatments.  There is help!